材料:顶级欧料 2012第20届美国VSA国际提琴制作比赛小提琴音色银奖一枚。
关于这把琴的琴型介绍: 这把提琴是仿意大利著名琴师(Joseph Guarneri del Gesu) 瓜奈里1743的一把名叫"大炮"(cannon)的古琴,瓜奈里是人类史上最伟大的两位小提琴制作师之一,其一就是伟大的安东尼奥.斯特瓦 蒂里。 瓜内利的提琴打破了提琴的工艺上的工整,对称,精美的传统审美观念,力图以一种粗犷,不协和,不对称来表现线条的力量。 瓜奈里非常专注于厚实巨大的琴身形式、饱满的音色。在音箱的设计上,他的提琴的主要特点表现在中腰线条向内凹的较浅、较长,四个琴角略短等处理手法 上。他的音箱的中腰部分较宽。他的音板的弧度在琴边部分几乎没有凹下的部分,整个音板的弧形非常均匀而平坦。他的镶线极为靠近琴身边缘,F孔也是加长了 的,虽然在各个时期使用了不同风格的F孔的设计,但总的来说安放的位置比较倾斜。其特色是音质明亮且富磁性,音响效果较为雄浑苍健,比斯特拉迪瓦里的琴更 为強而有力。原琴“大炮”外形浑圆,上半部宽阔,琴身边沿不大均匀,嵌线也不够流畅,琴头旋首彰显粗犷个性,反映出瓜氏后期的夸张奔放 的风格。但它的油漆精彩绝伦。在灯光下转动,木纹犹如在红宝石折射下的通透色泽。琴箱里标签字迹似乎是“制作于1742年”,但是后来人用先进科技手段发 现实际上为“1743年”,所以现在越来越多的国外和国内的权威都认为大炮原琴实际应该是制作于1743年(最全的Guarneri书里面也是写 的"Cannon 1743") “大炮”在1803年和1833年两次险遭杀身之祸,被摔得几乎散了架。后终经修复。到了1937年,当时纪念馆内没有恒温除湿设备以致琴身完全脱胶,又 经专家抢救后逃过一劫。1840年帕格尼尼去世后,根据他的遗嘱,这把琴就保存在热那亚的博物馆里,被视为意大利的国宝。 选材 白琴制作过程 白琴完成 油漆完成 黄杨木配件 钛合金微调 钛合金腮托螺丝 原琴照片 Il Cannone Guarnerius of 1743 is an violin fabricated by Italian luthier Giuseppe Antonio Guarneri of Cremona (1698–1744). Il Cannone is also known by the variants Il Cannone del Gesù, Cannone or Canon, often appended with Guarneri del Gesù, the Guarneri trademark. The violin received its name from a former owner, the Italian violin virtuoso Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840), because of its power and resonance. So associated is Paganini with Il Cannone, it is very common for the violin to be referenced as Il Cannone, ex-Paganini. Paganini lost a valuable Amati violin as a result of his penchant for voracious gambling. He was given a neglected Guarneri violin, a gift from an amateur violinist and businessman. Paganini played on this instrument for the rest of his life, fondly calling it “my cannon violin,” referring to the explosive sound that he was able to make it produce. He bequeathed it to the city of Genoa, Italy upon his death, and it is now considered a national treasure. When in need of repair, Il Cannone would be sent to the workshop of Jean Baptiste Vuillaume (1798–1875) in Paris, the greatest luthier of his day. Not only did Vuillaume repair the Guarnerius, but he also made an exact replica. The copy was so precise in every detail of construction and appearance, that not even Paganini could distinguish one from the other. It was not until Paganini noticed subtle differences in tone that he could identify the original. Paganini presented the copy to his student, Camillo Sivori. Il Cannone and the Vuillaume replica are exhibited together in the main room of the Genoa town hall. The violin is maintained in playable condition, and is taken out and played monthly by its curator.[1] The Cannone was played each year by the winner of the Premio Paganini contest for young violinists, which sees the Italian city attracting the cream of the crop of young violin performers (since 2002 the contest has been held every two years). On occasion, Il Cannone is loaned to musicians for performance. Violinist Shlomo Mintz performed a special Il Cannone concert on Paganini’s violin with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra of the Netherlands, in 1997. In 1999, Eugene Fodor played Il Cannone at a special concert in San Francisco, California.[2] It was the farthest the violin had ever been from Italy. Conditions of its travel included a multimillion-dollar insurance policy and an armed escort of Italian police officers. This violin has been played several times (including in New York City) by jazz violinist Regina Carter. Carter recorded an entire album with it, Paganini: After a Dream. In February 2006, Il Cannone was taken to London's Royal Academy of Music, where it was displayed and played at a festival devoted to Paganini. 大炮原琴琴头特写 |
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